Start from : 23:00〜
SPROUT : Germany
ドイツのDJ/プロデューサーでもあり、DJとしてもアワードを受賞しており、エレクトロニック・ミュージックにおけるそのキャリアは25年以上にも及びます。90年代初頭、彼の故郷であるデュッセルドルフのエレクトロニック・シーンのムーブメントからすべてが始まり、2004年以来、様々なクラブヒットを生み出したデュオD-Nox & Beckersの一員として、また自身のレコードレーベルSprout Musicを通じて、音楽界にその名を刻んでいます。
D-Nox (born 06 December 1975) is a German DJ/producer and 1 time DJ Awards winner whose career in electronic music spans well over 25 years. Everything started with the movement of the electronic scene in his hometown Düsseldorf in the early 90ties. D-Nox has made his mark in the music community by being one part of the duo D-Nox & Beckers who are responsible for various club hits since 2004 and also through his own record label Sprout Music. He has brought his sound all around the world, with an outstanding career in Brazil where he has his biggest fan community.
A rare night of D-Nox, an integral part of the dance music scene, Don’t miss it!
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